10 WWE Wrestlers With The Biggest Salaries 2016

7. The Undertaker - $2 Million

It is actually a bit surprising to see The Undertaker only at number seven on this list. He's one of the WWE's biggest stars, and 2015 was one of his most active years in a long time.

Main eventing SummerSlam and Hell In A Cell against Brock Lesnar was a huge deal, he was central to WWE's business for those events. He was also key as always at WrestleMania, where he defeated Bray Wyatt.

Towards the end of the year, he even did house shows in Mexico, and then reunited with Kane at Survivor Series, with the even being built around 25 years since the debut of the Deadman.

As such an important veteran, he's got one of the best downside guarantees in the business, and in one way or another he'll be on the WWE pay roll for life.

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